Jordan Morris inspires thousands of kids each year with Type 1 Diabetes to not let anything hold them back from achieving their dreams. One of those kids is seven-year-old Abby Alberg.
As part of his playmaker program, Morris hosts a local child with T1D at every Sounders FC home match, but this one was extra special. Abby and Jordan partnered to debut The Seattle Foundation’s GiveBIG video at halftime of Saturday’s match against Toronto FC in front of more than 40,000 fans.
“She was just beyond excited to share the moment with her friends who were at the game. It’s one of the perks she gets,” said Abby’s mom Alicia. “It’s a hard life with Type 1 and a lot of bad things come with it and this is a very positive thing and I think she was so happy about it.”

There weren’t too many people doing backflips in Seattle after the tough result on Saturday, but Abby and her brother Ian were flipping around the field after the game as they prepared to meet their hero. Morris came out to meet the entire family, as he does after every Sounders home game, to send the message that you can do anything.
“I think it’s very inspiring for her to see a guy like Jordan and see what he’s done with his life with the same kind of condition,” said Abby’s father John.
Laughter echoed throughout the stadium as the kids played well into the afternoon.
“Given the cartwheels she’s doing right now on the field, I think she feels comfortable in her skin,” said Alicia. “Surely seeing Jordan was a little bit of that inspiration to get active and move and run and she’s not thinking about her diabetes right now.”
JDRF Northwest is one of thousands of non-profits you can support on GiveBIG Day! Click here to see how you can get involved.